Enabling organizations to harness the insights of their people
Founded in 2008, Prendismo has developed innovative and provocative ways to capture and share business insight and knowledge.
The word Prendismo (pronounced “pren-deez-mo”) is our creation. It was was inspired by the Spanish phrase “prender la luz”, which literally means to ignite, light or kindle – but when used colloquially translates to “turn on a light” as in an idea.
The Prendismo Collection, offers access to the world’s premiere collection of digital video content on business, leadership and entrepreneurship. The collection is used as:
- A business resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners
- A channel through which companies can broadcast their brand to prospective customers, employees and partners
- A provider of tagged content that can be used by publishers and information companies to expand existing asset bases and enliven print-based products
- A tool for businesses who wish to capture the real stories of their executives and employees and capitalize on the wisdom in their organization