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Kenneth Shields States Importance of Household Penetration

Copyright © Cornell University Play All Videos in Case

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  • Date Added : 10/11/2006
  • Clip Duration : 0 min. 26 sec.


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Kenneth Shields

  • Director, Procter & Gamble
  • male
  • Caucasian
  • 1962 (Age: 62 years old)
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • Video 1 of 6 in this Case
  • View All Available Videos


Kenneth Shields is a Director at Procter & Gamble.

In a consumer packaged goods business you only make money on P & Q or on the other P which is price, okay. P is penetration, household penetration. If you are losing household penetration in your brand, you're going to have trouble. You can compensate for a loss in household penetration if your Q...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).

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Kenneth Shields videos

Video 1 of 6 Kenneth Shields Discusses Impact of Brand Impressions
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 0 min. 31 sec.
Video 2 of 6 Kenneth Shields States Consumer Products Companies Need To Execute Quickly and Simply
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 0 min. 34 sec.
Video 3 of 6 Kenneth Shields Provides Definition of Lovemark
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 1 min. 28 sec.
Video 4 of 6 Kenneth Shields States Brand Has To Be Relevent To Consumers
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 0 min. 31 sec.
Video 5 of 6 Kenneth Shields States Importance of Household Penetration
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 0 min. 26 sec.
Video 6 of 6 Kenneth Shields Discusses Market Indicators
  • Kenneth Shields - Lecture - Procter and Gamble
  • 10/11/2006
  • Kenneth Shields
  • 0 min. 33 sec.