Kevin Menear is the Director of R&D for Mechanical Systems at MineWerks. MineWerks was founded by a team of students at RPI dedicated to the eradication of such buried explosives as landmines and roadside bombs.
MineWerks' detection technology is being developed at a time when over 2,000 people are being killed or maimed by buried landmines and other explosives each month. Competing technologies are far too expensive, time-consuming, and hazardous to personnel on the ground to be capable of addressing the worldwide threat of unexploded ordinances in a meaningful way.
Kevin Menear is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
MineWerks has developed a groundbreaking new technology. What we do is we sense directly the high explosives. So we don't worry about the metal casings such as a metal detector will because new land mines are actually housed in plastic casings. So metal detectors are out of the question. What Min...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).
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