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Jennifer Delaney States Companies No Longer Have The Option To Ignore Technology

Copyright © Cornell University Play All Videos in Case

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  • Date Added : 3/3/2014
  • Clip Duration : 1 min. 2 sec.


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Jennifer Delaney

  • Senior Manager, PayPal
  • female
  • Caucasian
  • 1987 (Age: 37 years old)
  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women Underrepresented in the Tech Industry
  • Video 1 of 3 in this Case
  • View All Available Videos


Jennifer Delaney works as a Senior Manager of Large Enterprise Product Solutions for Paypal. Prior to this role, she worked at a tech startup, Shopkick.

Jennifer Delaney received her undergraduate degree from Stanford University and her MBA from Cornell University.

I had internships at private equity fund of funds where I got exposed to the investment side of the world. And it seemed like really cool jobs were in private equity but also in venture capital. And you can follow very different career paths to get to both of those. So one path is the investment ...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).

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Jennifer Delaney videos

Video 1 of 3 Jennifer Delaney Shares Academicand Professional Background
  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women Underrepresented in the Tech Industry
  • 3/3/2014
  • Jennifer Delaney
  • 1 min. 14 sec.
Video 2 of 3 Jennifer Delaney States Companies No Longer Have The Option To Ignore Technology
  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women Underrepresented in the Tech Industry
  • 3/3/2014
  • Jennifer Delaney
  • 1 min. 2 sec.
Video 3 of 3 Jennifer Delaney States Having One On One Time With A Male Mentor Can Sometimes Be Challenging
  • Jennifer Delaney - Panel - Why Are Women Underrepresented in the Tech Industry
  • 3/3/2014
  • Jennifer Delaney
  • 1 min. 5 sec.