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Terry Swack Discusses Entrepreneurial Pursuits

Copyright © Cornell University Play All Videos in Case

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  • Date Added : 3/3/2014
  • Clip Duration : 3 min. 44 sec.


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Terry Swack

  • Founder, Sustainable Minds
  • female
  • Caucasian
  • 1959 (Age: 65 years old)
  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In The Startup World?
  • Video 1 of 4 in this Case
  • View All Available Videos


Terry Swack co-founded Sustainable Minds, a software and information services company enabling product design organizations to create innovative and sustainable products. The company's mission is to bring sustainable product design into the mainstream in an accessible, empowering and credible way. Early in 2007, Terry founded Clean Culture, a customer experience research and strategy consultancy focused on making clean tech and sustainable products more understandable and desirable. In 2005, she founded Green Building Blocks and The Beam (which later became Blue Egg), a venture-backed Web 2.0 media company and marketplace for consumers, manufacturers, and service providers to power the demand for clean and green products and services. In 2002, she became a founding team member of StillSecure, a network security software company. As VP of Customer Experience, in a unique partnership with the VP of Engineering, she co-managed product teams to bring three successful products to market in less than two years. Terry's first company, TSDesign, was founded in 1985 as a graphic design firm and became an Internet strategy and product design firm in 1994. Clients ranged from startups to Fortune 500 stalwarts including 3M, Compaq, Dell, BankBoston, Cendant Mortgage, PlanetAll and Tripod. The development of the User Experience AuditSM in 1996, was the first offering of its kind and positioned the company as the industry leader in design analysis and user experience strategy. TSDesign was acquired in 1999 by Razorfish, a global digital services provider. Terry Swack is a graduate of the University of the Arts.

So pivot number one, by 1992, cyberspace started to become something that people were talking about. By 1993, I started building our first websites. And by 1995, I had changed the company into an internet strategy and digital product development company. We were actually one of the very first des...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).

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Terry Swack videos

Video 1 of 4 Terry Swack Shares Professional Background and Decision To Become and Entrepreneur
  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In The Startup World?
  • 3/3/2014
  • Terry Swack
  • 3 min. 10 sec.
Video 2 of 4 Terry Swack Discusses Entrepreneurial Pursuits
  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In The Startup World?
  • 3/3/2014
  • Terry Swack
  • 3 min. 44 sec.
Video 3 of 4 Terry Swack Discusses Starting Sustainable Minds
  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In The Startup World?
  • 3/3/2014
  • Terry Swack
  • 1 min. 38 sec.
Video 4 of 4 Terry Swack Discusses Importance of Persistence and Passion
  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In The Startup World?
  • 3/3/2014
  • Terry Swack
  • 0 min. 56 sec.