Matthew Kochman is a co-founder of M.E.S.S.(Moving Every Student Safely)Express. MESS Express is a for-profit social advocacy group that combats drinking and driving among college students nationwide. It is accomplished by implementing prepaid transportation programs tailored to the individual needs of students on college campuses. Additionally, the company provides on-campus organizations a simplified, more student-oriented service in chartering social event transportation. Through the collaboration of community leaders, university officials, and transportation companies, M.E.S.S. Express is able to offer safe, reliable, and convenient student transportation.
Matthew Kochman is a graduate of Cornell University.
In the early stages I can tell you I was sitting in my dorm room in Copenhagen--I was studying abroad--and I was alone, getting lonely over there in Europe. I was thinking--necessity is the best motivator--I'm thinking I need to do something. I know I have the ability, but I really needed to get a...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).
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