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17 Videos
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Barbara Novick Discusses Building a Community Of F

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • Well, let me give you a little sense of the support at home. So we chose to move back to New York. ...
  • 2/21/2014

Barbara Novick Discusses Planning For A Family

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • So I was 21 when I got married. We agreed that someday we wanted to have kids but at 21, and he was...
  • 2/21/2014

Barbara Novick Discusses How Professional World Ha

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • You're entering a very different work environment than I did and my contemporaries did. I graduated...
  • 2/21/2014

Barbara Novick Discusses Work-Life Balance

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • A few years ago I realized that, in fact, I needed to dial it down to focus on my family. This come...
  • 2/21/2014

Barbara Novick Discusses Using Technology To Work

  • Barbara Novick- Interview - BlackRock
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • I have three kids. The first one was born in 1990. I took a maternity leave. I went radio silent....
  • 6/23/2009

Indra Nooyi Discusses Personal Struggles With Bala

  • Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
  • Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
  • Well I guess the first question I'd ask you is what does personal life mean. Work is life, life is ...
  • 4/9/2008

Indra Nooyi States PepsiCo Needs Women In The Comp

  • Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
  • Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
  • Let me start by saying if women are not successful in PepsiCo, okay ... if they don't enter PepsiCo ...
  • 4/9/2008

Alissa Livingston Discusses Gender Differences In

  • Alissa Livingston - Interview - Ralph La
  • Alissa Livingston is the Merchandise Planner for Men's Clothing and Furnishings at Polo Ralph Lau...
  • I think that it is different for men because women are still looked at as the primary caregivers for...
  • 4/4/2008

Laura Colosi Shares Challenges Of Finding a Work-L

  • Laura Colosi - Interview - ThinkWorks
  • Laura Colosi is Chief Operating Officer for ThinkWorks. Additionally, she is an Extension Associ...
  • No. To be honest, it's not. It will be but that's a big part of the transition is not only seeing ...
  • 12/14/2007