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9 Cases
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Christine DeVita

  • Christine DeVita - Interview - Wallace Foundation
  • 2/4/2005
  • 22 Videos

Laura Colosi

  • Laura Colosi - Interview - ThinkWorks
  • 12/14/2007
  • 29 Videos

Lesa Mitchell

  • Lesa Mitchell - Interview - Kauffman Foundation
  • 3/23/2007
  • 12 Videos

Norb Mayrhofer

  • Norb Mayrhofer - Interview - Procter & Gamble
  • 10/5/2004
  • 20 Videos

Carla Ginsburg

  • Carla Ginsburg - Interview - Gastroenterologist in Private Practice and Affiliated With Harvard Medical School
  • 10/15/2004
  • 29 Videos

Jean Hill

  • Jean Hill - Interview - Morgan Stanley
  • 4/1/2005
  • 31 Videos

Julie McPeek

  • Julie McPeek - Interview - Provisor Marketing
  • 9/11/2003
  • 24 Videos

Barbara Novick

  • Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your Choices
  • 2/21/2014
  • 7 Videos

Barbara Novick

  • Barbara Novick- Interview - BlackRock
  • 6/23/2009
  • 21 Videos