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84 Videos
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Lawrence Watkins Discusses Turning Setbacks Into O

  • Lawrence Watkins - Lecture - Lessons For
  • Lawrence Watkins is a young entrepreneur and owner of Great Black Speakers Bureau, an organizatio...
  • When you think about opportunity capitalization, there is no one better than Pinky and the Brain at ...
  • 10/22/2009

Lawrence Watkins Discusses Expanding One's Comfort

  • Lawrence Watkins - Lecture - Lessons For
  • Lawrence Watkins is a young entrepreneur and owner of Great Black Speakers Bureau, an organizatio...
  • I always put myself through what I call comfort challenges. For example, when I was starting Great ...
  • 10/22/2009

Lawrence Watkins Shares Anecdote of Picking Your S

  • Lawrence Watkins - Lecture - Lessons For
  • Lawrence Watkins is a young entrepreneur and owner of Great Black Speakers Bureau, an organizatio...
  • I am passionately curious about building networks, system development. I love the way things tick. ...
  • 10/22/2009

Barbara Novick Recommends Getting Experience Even

  • Barbara Novick- Interview - BlackRock
  • Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
  • I graduated in 1981 in December and - first of all, December grads, it's an awkward thing to do. I ...
  • 6/23/2009

Catherine Russell States Importance of Loving What

  • Catherine Russell - Interview - Entrepre
  • Catherine Russell is a working actress/manager/producer/professor. Named the "Cal Ripken of Broad...
  • I really love to work. I have to say I am a workaholic. I would rather work than go on vacation. ...
  • 6/22/2009

Jane Chin Discusses Importance Of Having A Clear I

  • Jane Chin - Interview - Career Coaching
  • Jane Chin is a microbusiness entrepreneur/coach and career transition strategist. Dr. Chin applie...
  • Is it scarier to walk away from what you consider to be a very comfortable living and something that...
  • 3/6/2009

Jane Chin Discusses Fear As A Factor Preventing Ch

  • Jane Chin - Interview - Career Coaching
  • Jane Chin is a microbusiness entrepreneur/coach and career transition strategist. Dr. Chin applie...
  • What I found is that fear is a huge factor, not just in career but in almost everything in life, fea...
  • 3/6/2009

Donald Doane States Problem Solving Skills Learned

  • Donald Doane - Interview - ConnectYard
  • Donald Doane is the CEO of ConnectYard. Founded in 2007, ConnectYard specializes in helping coll...
  • I don't know if there is one particular course or experience that I could point to, but, I do think ...
  • 3/3/2009

Donald Doane Discusses Changing Definition of Succ

  • Donald Doane - Interview - ConnectYard
  • Donald Doane is the CEO of ConnectYard. Founded in 2007, ConnectYard specializes in helping coll...
  • I think it depends on what point I was in my life. When I started OpenDemand, which was my first so...
  • 3/3/2009