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84 Videos
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Luis Carlos Sarmiento Shares Lessons Learned - Num

  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento - Lecture - Grupo
  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento is president and CEO of Grupo Aval S.A. Grupo Aval is Colombia?s largest an...
  • Number 5: Work, work, and keep working - My father, who will turn 80 in a few months, works approxim...
  • 10/18/12

Bob Frank Explains Dynamics Of Group Versus Indivi

  • Robert Frank - Interview - The Darwin Ec
  • Robert Frank is a Professor of Economics at Cornell University's Johnson School. In addition, Fr...
  • I think Darwin saw narratives in nature that were very much like the ones implicated in Smith's invi...
  • 11/28/2011

Gururaj Deshpande States Importance of Looking For

  • Gururaj Deshpande - Lecture - Realities
  • Gururaj Deshpande is an Indian American businessman and social entrepreneur, who is best known fo...
  • So, in my case I had a PhD. And PhD doesn't prepare you for entrepreneurship. Because PhD you hav...
  • 9/19/2011

Gururaj Deshpande States Entrepreneurship Can Be A

  • Gururaj Deshpande - Lecture - Realities
  • Gururaj Deshpande is an Indian American businessman and social entrepreneur, who is best known fo...
  • A long time ago, when I started my company in the 80', and when people did companies in the 70's, li...
  • 9/19/2011

Gururaj Deshpande Discusses Gut Decisions And Reso

  • Gururaj Deshpande - Lecture - Realities
  • Gururaj Deshpande is an Indian American businessman and social entrepreneur, who is best known fo...
  • I think that's a legitimate call. And so a couple of thoughts there. As an entrepreneur, if you ac...
  • 9/19/2011

Gururaj Deshpande Discusses Concept of Building Yo

  • Gururaj Deshpande - Lecture - Realities
  • Gururaj Deshpande is an Indian American businessman and social entrepreneur, who is best known fo...
  • Sometimes you may get a reward for that and sometimes you may not get the reward for it. Your boss ...
  • 9/19/2011

Robert Frank Discusses Income Inequality In Past D

  • Robert Frank - Interview - Income Inequa
  • Robert Frank is a Professor of Economics at Cornell University's Johnson School. In addition, Fr...
  • We've seen two very different patterns; the immediate postwar decades from about 1945 to 1975. Thos...
  • 11/3/2010

Leland Pillsbury States One Should Take The Job Wi

  • Leland Pillsbury - Lecture - Thoughts on
  • Leland Pillsbury is a venture capitalist with a special focus on the hospitality industry. He is...
  • I had 14 job offers because of that role as student director of placement. I took the job that paid...
  • 10/25/2010

Alexandra Levit States Importance of Understanding

  • Alexandra Levit - Lecture - Finding A Me
  • Alexandra Levit's goal is to help people find meaningful jobs - quickly and simply - and to succe...
  • What type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing ...
  • 7/16/2010