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Audrey Prashker Shares Advice For Professional Wom

  • Audrey Prashker - Interview - Verizon
  • Audrey Prashker is General Counsel at Verizon Communications. Previously, Prashker as an...
  • Inevitably, you will be misinterpreted. It's going to happen and it's also going to happen that a m...
  • 12/8/2008

Angela Sorrell States Women Should Be Proactive Ab

  • Angela Sorrell - Interview - Ernst & You
  • Angela Sorrell is an Assistant Director with Ernst & Young and heads up recruiting for the firm's...
  • I would encourage women to be more vocal about what they want in their career. I mentioned earlier ...
  • 11/16/2007

Lori Marino Shares Thoughts on Finding Your Voice

  • Lori Marino - Interview - Avaya
  • Lori Marino is currently Vice President & Counsel, Corporate Law at Medco Health Solutions, Inc.,...
  • I do see women sometimes having more difficulty finding their voice. You're right; I probably would...
  • 7/16/2007

Marilyn Higgins States Importance of Hiring Help I

  • Marilyn Higgins - Panel - Challenges To
  • Marilyn Higgins is the Vice President of Economic Development at National Grid. In this role, she...
  • I'll tell you something if you want to be on a corporate fast track you can't go home at 5:15 everyd...
  • 10/12/2006

Tracy Higginbotham States Many Female Entrepreneur

  • Tracy Higginbotham - Panel - Challenges
  • Tracy Higginbotham is the founder of Women TIES, a company dedicated to creating a regional marketpl...
  • I think for the last ten years I've been working with women entrepreneurs and I think there are thre...
  • 10/12/2006

Tracy Higginbotham States Promotion Is Often Diffi

  • Tracy Higginbotham - Panel - Challenges
  • Tracy Higginbotham is the founder of Women TIES, a company dedicated to creating a regional marketpl...
  • I would say that a way that I've really learned to try to sell, I mean, you know, I think we all thi...
  • 10/12/2006

Karen Harper States Self-Doubt Can Be Used As A Re

  • Karen Harper - Panel - Breaking Through
  • Karen Harper is Vice President of Cognitive Systems and Principal Scientist At Charles River Anal...
  • You know, the question's about self-doubt and we all suffer it. Everybody is... we're surrounded by...
  • 9/6/2006

Amy Millman States Women Need To Find Their Comfor

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I think it is more what they project. When women try to imitate what's not comfortable to them, the...
  • 11/1/2005

Amy Millman Discusses How Men and Women Act Differ

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I always tell the story about my husband and I going for our mortgage. And I knew exactly how much ...
  • 11/1/2005