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84 Videos
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Jennifer Dulski Discusses Lean Startup Concept

  • Jennifer Dulski - Interview - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org Prior to Change.org, Dulski led th...
  • So, first of all, you never quite know what's going to work and what's not going to work. This is t...
  • 9/25/2013

Jennifer Dulski Explains Adaptability Is Important

  • Jennifer Dulski - Interview - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org Prior to Change.org, Dulski led th...
  • One of the other interesting ones, I think, is adaptability. So basically what I find is that thing...
  • 9/25/2013

Danielle Weinblatt States Importance of Learning T

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview. Prior to Take the Inter...
  • So the second thing is learn to be agile. So this is the waterfall. It is a type of process where,...
  • 9/22/2013

Caitlin Strandberg Discusses Asking For Feedback

  • Caitlin Strandberg - Interview - Thought
  • Caitlin Strandberg is an Associate at Flybridge Capital Partners whose investment interests and e...
  • I learned that by not asking for it and getting very frustrated. And then I learned when I asked fo...
  • 4/18/2013

Elliott Garlock Discusses Inner Critic Of A Cornel

  • Elliott Garlock - Interview - Thoughts o
  • Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegri...
  • I think it's quite tough to be a Cornell student as well. You know, the thing is every single indiv...
  • 4/18/2013

Stephano Kim Discusses Assessing Startup Versus Bi

  • Stephano Kim - Interview - AHAlife
  • Stephano Kim is a New York-based entrepreneur and angel investor. Stephano currently serves as pr...
  • So what I tell folks that I mentor is I think that's the wrong question. The question is not whethe...
  • 3/8/2013

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Shares Lessons Learned - Num

  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento - Lecture - Grupo
  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento is president and CEO of Grupo Aval S.A. Grupo Aval is Colombia?s ...
  • Number 8: Keep Your Principles at Heart and Your Textbooks at Hand - After each crisis explodes, peo...
  • 10/18/2012

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Shares Lessons Learned - Num

  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento - Lecture - Grupo
  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento is president and CEO of Grupo Aval S.A. Grupo Aval is Colombia?s largest an...
  • Number 4: No matter how badly you have been hit, you are better off than most - If you are sitting h...
  • 10/18/12

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Shares Lessons Learned - Num

  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento - Lecture - Grupo
  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento is president and CEO of Grupo Aval S.A. Grupo Aval is Colombia?s largest an...
  • Number 3: Be bold - Being bold is about taking the right calculated risks, not the stupid plunges, o...
  • 10/18/12