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14 Cases
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Bo Bazylevsky

  • Bo Bazylevsky - Interview - Zya and App-based startups
  • 5/5/2016
  • 9 Videos

Tom Fuerst

  • Tom Fuerst - Panel - Intersection of Opportunity: Business and the Life Science
  • 4/19/12
  • 9 Videos

Jacob Wright

  • Jacob Wright - Lecture - Hospitality Entrepreneurship
  • 2/3/2009
  • 13 Videos

Eric Young

  • Eric Young - Interview - Canaan Partners
  • 10/25/2005
  • 36 Videos

Paul McManus

  • Paul McManus - What Makes A Venture Management Team Successful - RPI Biotechnology Management & Entrepreneurship Seminar Series
  • 12/7/2005
  • 26 Videos