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20 People
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Gun Sirer

  • Associate Professor, Cornell University
  • 5 videos

David Ahlers

  • Professor, Cornell University
  • 69 videos

Jay Schwartz

  • Member, NCIIA (National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance)
  • 8 videos

Eric Young

  • Co-founder and General Partner, Canaan Partners
  • 70 videos

Mark Brandt

  • Vice President, Corporate Development and Co-Founder, Notiva
  • 141 videos

Hans Severiens

  • Co-founder, Band of Angels
  • 41 videos

Meghan Cross

  • Managing Director, Red Bear Angels
  • 7 videos

Steve Shapiro

  • CEO, Academic Merit
  • 17 videos

Miki Agrawal

  • Founder, Slice
  • 30 videos