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23 Cases
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Gun Sirer

  • Gun Sirer - Panel - Information Technology Entrepreneurship
  • 4/15/2010
  • 5 Videos

David Ahlers

  • David Ahlers - Interview - Cayuga Venture Fund
  • 3/20/2006
  • 44 Videos

Jay Schwartz

  • Invention to Venture - June 2005 - Session 5 - Building the Venture Team
  • 6/2/2005
  • 19 Videos

Eric Young

  • Eric Young - Interview - Canaan Partners
  • 10/25/2005
  • 36 Videos

Mark Brandt

  • Mark Brandt - Interview - Notiva (Early Stage)
  • 12/1/2001
  • 29 Videos

Hans Severiens

  • Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - Topic of Venture Capital and Angel Funding
  • 3/1/2003
  • 22 Videos

Hans Severiens

  • Hans Severiens - Interview - Band of Angels
  • 3/1/2003
  • 17 Videos

Meghan Cross

  • Meghan Cross - Interview - Red Bear Angels
  • 5/9/2016
  • 7 Videos

Steve Shapiro

  • Steve Shapiro - Interview - Academic Merit
  • 5/17/16
  • 17 Videos