(607) 227-8695info@prendismo.com

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41 Cases
Sorted by Best match

Wayne Meichner

  • Wayne Meichner - Lecture - Polo Ralph Lauren and Fashion Industry
  • 9/28/2007
  • 9 Videos

Michael Homer

  • Michael Homer - Interview - Apple, Netscape and Kontiki
  • 01-01-00
  • 47 Videos

Josh Tetrick

  • Josh Tetrick - Interview - 33needs
  • 9/27/2011
  • 27 Videos

Gururaj Deshpande

  • Gururaj Deshpande - Lecture - Realities of Entrepreneurship
  • 9/19/2011
  • 14 Videos

Terry MacRae

  • Terry and Mary MacRae - Interview - Hornblower Cruises and Events
  • 10/7/2010
  • 16 Videos

Leland Pillsbury

  • Leland Pillsbury - Lecture - Thoughts on Entrepreneurship
  • 10/25/2010
  • 13 Videos

Bob Langer

  • Bob Langer - Interview - Science and Startups
  • 1/25/2011
  • 20 Videos

Jeffrey Geller

  • Jeffrey Geller - Interview - Insurent Agency Corporation
  • 6/22/2009
  • 20 Videos

Skip Besthoff

  • Entrepreneurship at Cornell Celebration 2009 - Panel - Separating Success From Failure: A Reality Check
  • 4/17/2009
  • 9 Videos