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14 People
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Bryan Pearce

  • Partner, Ernst & Young
  • 22 videos

Dana Callow

  • Managing General Partner, Millennia Partners
  • 27 videos

Sean Neville

  • CEO and co-founder, Simply Audiobooks
  • 27 videos

Josh Tetrick

  • Founder, 33 Needs
  • 49 videos

Jon Aizen

  • Co-founder, Dapper
  • 10 videos

John Belizaire

  • Co-founder, FirstBest
  • 7 videos

Gun Sirer

  • Associate Professor, Cornell University
  • 5 videos

David Ahlers

  • Professor, Cornell University
  • 69 videos

Jay Schwartz

  • Member, NCIIA (National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance)
  • 8 videos