Explore Topics / Tenacity and Strong Work Ethics(14 Videos)
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Carla Ginsburg - Interview - Gastroenter
Carla Ginsburg is a gastroenterologist who runs her own private practice in Boston. In addition,...
In terms of being a role model in a woman, I just think the most important thing is to realize that ...
Carla Ginsburg - Interview - Gastroenter
Carla Ginsburg is a gastroenterologist who runs her own private practice in Boston. In addition,...
I think the key to being successful is just not giving up. You know. And sort of every time you fa...
Jacie Stivers - Interview - Commercial I
Jacie Stivers is the founder and owner of Commercial Investment Real Estate, based in Florida. I...
But you now there are a lot of people who don't want to work at that level and they don't want to pr...
Andrea Michalek - Interview - 1-800-CTO
Andrea is the founder and president of 1-800-CTO, a consulting company that helps growth companie...
I think the biggest thing is being really stubborn. That's maybe not a positive thing but people of...
Amy & Susan Machamer - Interview - Hurd
Susan & Amy Machamer (a mother and daughter team, respectively) and their family are owners of Hu...
Amy: I think one of the messages that is a key to success is tenacity. If we gave up with every sur...