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13 Cases
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Sheena Lindahl

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Entrepreneurship Education
  • 6/21/2009
  • 12 Videos

Theresa Mazzullo

  • Invention To Venture - March 9, 2007 - Theresa Mazzullo - Finding The Money
  • 3/9/2007
  • 19 Videos

Anita Stephens

  • Anita Stephens - Interview - Opportunity Capital Partners
  • 1/1/00
  • 30 Videos

Sharon Allen

  • Sharon Allen - Interview - Deloitte
  • 3/31/2010
  • 18 Videos

Tiffany Norwood

  • Tiffany Norwood - Lecture - Next Generation Broadband (NGB)
  • 9/17/2007
  • 9 Videos

Janice Bourque

  • Invention To Venture - April 2006 - Janice Bourque - Financing and Capital Structure
  • 4/4/2006
  • 6 Videos

Alison Gerlach

  • Alison Gerlach - Lecture - Allie's Edibles and Thoughts on Entrepreneurship
  • 10/30/2006