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2899 Videos
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Lynn Gray Discusses Emotional Intelligence

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • tional intelligence, because of the nature of the business that we?re in, in the human capital area,...
  • 4/27/17

Lynn Gray Discusses Definition Of Success

  • Lynn Gray - Interview - Campus Scout
  • n Zuckerman Gray is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Campus Scout, LLC, which provides str...
  • m a very competitive, driven person. Success is, it?s almost as if success?successful?I worry a lot...
  • 4/27/17

Elisa Miller-Out Shares Elevator Pitch for PollQ

  • Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
  • sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
  • my elevator pitch for PollQ is that it is a messaging platform for polling that makes it effortless ...
  • 4/27/17

Rebecca Robertson Discusses Entrepreneurship And C

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • I think probably the biggest misconception is that if I have an idea, a technology, a concept, a dif...
  • 4/27/2017

Rebecca Robertson Discusses Consumer Understanding

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • I mean, I do think it?s important to start with the physician in a traditional medical device, with...
  • 4/27/2017

Rebecca Robertson Discusses Customer Discovery Whe

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • l, you love it if they have kind of taken the time up front, step back, .looked at all these constit...
  • 4/27/2017

Rebecca Robertson Shares the Expression That You O

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • in this business, I think the expression is you only need one reason to say no. There?s always a ch...
  • 4/27/2017

Rebecca Robertson Discusses Quantifying Deals

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • ending on how early it is, it is more or less important. I mean, as I said, it has to be a big idea...
  • 4/27/2017

Rebecca Robertson Discusses Medical Device Industr

  • Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
  • kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
  • for a medical device, if they?re coming basically with the idea and a business plan and a little bit...
  • 4/27/2017