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Caitlin Strandberg Shares Example of Talking Back

  • Caitlin Strandberg - Interview - Thought
  • Caitlin Strandberg is an Associate at Flybridge Capital Partners whose investment interests and expe...
  • my job now is to meet people that I think, and one of the reasons I love my job is I meet people tha...
  • 4/18/2013

Caitlin Strandberg Explains Insecure Overachievers

  • Caitlin Strandberg - Interview - Thought
  • Caitlin Strandberg is an Associate at Flybridge Capital Partners whose investment interests and expe...
  • hink that's a symptom of, it's two things. So I think really great universities and very smart peop...
  • 4/18/2013

Rhonda Carniol Discusses Inner Critic and Evaluati

  • Rhonda Carniol - Interview - Thoughts on
  • nda Carniol is an attorney with Wolff & Samson. She counsels entities in all aspects of media, adve...
  • l, I think that a lot of people, they don't only have an inner critic, but if they go and they show ...
  • 4/18/2013

Rhonda Carniol States Importance of Handling Risk

  • Rhonda Carniol - Interview - Thoughts on
  • nda Carniol is an attorney with Wolff & Samson. She counsels entities in all aspects of media, adve...
  • oined my firm ten years ago. And I promised them a certain amount of business. When you move as a ...
  • 4/18/2013

Rhonda Carniol Discusses Overcoming Doubt And Fear

  • Rhonda Carniol - Interview - Thoughts on
  • nda Carniol is an attorney with Wolff & Samson. She counsels entities in all aspects of media, adve...
  • you know, you might, for a second or two, think I can't do it, but you can't give in to that, you k...
  • 4/18/2013

Rhonda Carniol States Most Everyone Deals with Car

  • Rhonda Carniol - Interview - Thoughts on
  • nda Carniol is an attorney with Wolff & Samson. She counsels entities in all aspects of media, adve...
  • hink there are some people, like occasionally you meet people and they just seem to have a career pa...
  • 4/18/2013

Rhonda Carniol States Doubt Can Often Be A Motivat

  • Rhonda Carniol - Interview - Thoughts on
  • nda Carniol is an attorney with Wolff & Samson. She counsels entities in all aspects of media, adve...
  • absolutely, because if you're too confident in yourself then you're not going to do the work that yo...
  • 4/18/2013

Sharon Dauk Provides Definition of Inner Critic

  • Sharon Dauk - Interview - Thoughts on th
  • ron Dauk is a Managing Director of Dauk/Wagner Investments, LLC a private investment company she fou...
  • inner critic is that little voice that says, They're going to find out. They're going to find out ...
  • 4/18/2013

Sharon Dauk States Inner Critic Most Often Shows U

  • Sharon Dauk - Interview - Thoughts on th
  • ron Dauk is a Managing Director of Dauk/Wagner Investments, LLC a private investment company she fou...
  • h, it shows up when I'm...actually at all different times and I think, in particular, probably it sh...
  • 4/18/2013