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2899 Videos
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Jennifer Dulski Discusses Family History

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • we are the product of our surroundings. These are my parents. They also happen to be sitting in th...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski States We Are Products Of Experien

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • are also the product of our experiences. These are my Cornell years. Apparently big hair was also ...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski States Importance of People in You

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • my general advice, I've got ten pieces of advice that you can use right now while you're in school a...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Importance of Building R

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • first, since it's all about the people. first, build relationships. And we talked about this a lit...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Failure And Adaptability

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • so this is, and you'll see again in the second ten pieces of advice, it's just really, so much of l...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Importance of Understand

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • this is about understanding your talent. I had a career epiphany in the middle of my career. I had...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski States Importance of Understanding

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • there's lots of different things that go in this bucket. I was telling a story the other day that m...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski States Importance of Learning To T

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • ber nine is about learning how to tell your story. And I think this is, you know, again, lots of yo...
  • 9/20/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Importance of Believing

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • number ten is believe in yourself. At the end of the day, the people who walk into that room to in...
  • 9/20/2013