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2899 Videos
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Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Importance of Students

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • recently I've been working at a hospital, Prince George's Hospital, outside of Washington D.C., whe...
  • 9/25/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Discusses Cornell Experience an

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • as Tyler mentioned, I graduated from Cornell in 2005. This is where I remember interviewing for in...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Shares All Past Experiences Mad

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • ouldn't take anything back. Anything that I have done in my life, I think, has prepared for me, eit...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Shares Lessons Learned As An En

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • then lastly, as an entrepreneur, I'm going to go through this quickly. Work with people smarter th...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Discusses Critical Input From D

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • what have I learned? My story has been a little crazy. I'm all over the place. I worked in invest...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Discusses Challenge of Raising

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • there's different types of businesses. There are businesses that you can either fund yourself or th...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Discusses Leaving Finance World

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • I said, alright, I'm going to look for another career. I heard there is something else out there ca...
  • 9/22/2013

Danielle Weinblatt Discusses Working Long Hours an

  • Danielle Weinblatt - Lecture - Take The
  • Danielle Weinblatt is the Founder and CEO of Take the Interview.

    Prior to Take the Intervie...

  • l tell you a story. I loved my job for the first year. The first twelve months I hung in with the ...
  • 9/22/2013

Jennifer Dulski Provides Background on Company, Ch

  • Jennifer Dulski - Lecture - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • Change.org, we are the world's largest platform for social change. We empower people everywhere to...
  • 9/20/2013