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Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Related Court Cases On

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • h, there's, there are two cases that jumped to my mind, well there's actually a bunch of them but tw...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Supreme Court Cases on

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • l, there were three cases at the Supreme Court after ours that had specifically to do with student e...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Importance of Children

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • I went on and I grew up and I became a nurse, and I started noticing that kids really don't have ri...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Involvement Of American

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • would have been the end of the whole thing, except for a group called the American Civil Liberties U...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Growing Up In Civil Rig

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • n though we were scared, I was still a young kid and I was, I was very shy and scared and I still fe...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Shares Thoughts on Martin Luther

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • l, by 1963, that was a huge year in the United States for equality and democracy, fifty years ago, a...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Role Of Family in Her B

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • you know, you could keep going through history and there's so many other young people, because youn...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Shares Historical Anecdote About

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • ove to tell kids stories of a homeless teenage runaway who was in the 1700s. He was living in, in B...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Young Kids Who Are Soci

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • re are second and third graders in Washington DC, where I live, and there are junior high students, ...
  • 9/25/2013