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Jennifer Dulski Discusses Relationship With Custom

  • Jennifer Dulski - Interview - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • l, we have two sets of customers, if you will. We have the users who start, sign, share petitions. ...
  • 9/25/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses Importance of Knowing Yo

  • Jennifer Dulski - Interview - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • ry business should know who your core market segment is. The interesting thing is ours, at the end ...
  • 9/25/2013

Jennifer Dulski Discusses COO Position

  • Jennifer Dulski - Interview - Change.org
  • Jennifer Dulski is the President and COO of Change.org

    Prior to Change.org, Dulski led the p...

  • ould say that the C-suite works differently in different places so I'm not sure there is a uniform a...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Tinker Tour Project Bac

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • l we're, we're traveling all over the United States, Mike and I, in a 29-foot RV called Gabby. We n...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Shares Thoughts on Challenges Fac

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • ean really adults are experiencing a loss of their free speech and free press rights too, I think, a...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Issues With Testing

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • 're supposed to get educated so you can get a job. Some teachers in Garfield High School, they last...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Socioeconomics Aspects

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • s going on all over the country, and I just think it's outrageous what's going on at these schools a...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Teachers Rights

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • l, that, through history, I mean this is kind of interesting, there have been some articles I've rea...
  • 9/25/2013

Mary Beth Tinker Discusses Positive Influence Of H

  • Mary Beth Tinker - Lecture - Tinker Tour
  • y Beth Tinker is an American free speech activist known for her role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moine...
  • were extremely influenced by our parents, I agree. We had engrained, you know, their, their ideas w...
  • 9/25/2013