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2899 Videos
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Elisa Miller-Out Discusses Chloe Capital Fund

  • Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
  • sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
  • I spoke about this passion I have for, you know, what kind of a world are we building? And how do w...
  • 4/27/17

Elisa Miller-Out Discusses Barriers To Women In Te

  • Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
  • sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
  • there are a number of barriers that women face and there are a number of reasons why they don?t get ...
  • 4/27/17

Elisa Miller-Out Discusses Women In Technology

  • Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
  • sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
  • the need for a group for women in technology is important because, frankly, the numbers in the indus...
  • 4/27/17

Elisa Miller-Out Discusses Business Model And Prod

  • Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
  • sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
  • the question was around, you know, do we talk more about the business model and who?s paying for the...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Discusses Product Differentiation

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink definitely we try to market our products to women who care about their appearance and then also...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Discusses Challenges To Products

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink the product itself is pretty much the same. But I changed the pricing. My first product was S...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Discusses Marketing Challenges

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • t?s something that we?ve really been working on now. This month we are having a campaign, or starti...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Discusses Women In Leadership In Busi

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink definitely, even now among my friends, I?m seeing a lot more women going into leadership positi...
  • 4/27/17

Nicole Mensa Discusses Competition And Recognition

  • Nicole Mensa - Interview - Wononi Cosmet
  • ole Mensa is the founder of Wononi Cosmetics. She founded the company while a student at Cornell Un...
  • hink it definitely is, especially now trying to sell in more stores. I?ve had stores that say, like...
  • 4/27/17