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2899 Videos
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Marilyn Laverty Shares Thoughts on Being An Accide

  • Marilyn Laverty - Panel - Where Are Wome
  • Marilyn Laverty is the founder and president of PR firm, Shore Fire Media.

    Shore Fire Media ...

  • Marilyn Laverty. I guess I'm an accidental entrepreneur. Anyway, I am the founder, owner, and pre...
  • 3/3/2014

Caitlin Strandberg Discusses Transitions And Start

  • Caitlin Strandberg - Panel - Where Are W
  • Caitlin Strandberg is an Associate at Flybridge Capital Partners whose investment interests and expe...
  • I worked for a couple of years. And the idea is you work for two years and then you go into the MBA...
  • 3/3/2014

Terry Swack Shares Professional Background and Dec

  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In
  • ry Swack co-founded Sustainable Minds, a software and information services company enabling product ...
  • I started my career as a graphic designer. I have a bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Philadelp...
  • 3/3/2014

Terry Swack Discusses Entrepreneurial Pursuits

  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In
  • ry Swack co-founded Sustainable Minds, a software and information services company enabling product ...
  • pivot number one, by 1992, cyberspace started to become something that people were talking about. B...
  • 3/3/2014

Terry Swack Discusses Starting Sustainable Minds

  • Terry Swack - Panel - Where Are Women In
  • ry Swack co-founded Sustainable Minds, a software and information services company enabling product ...
  • , again, as we heard this morning, being a lemons to lemonade kind of person, four months later I st...
  • 3/3/2014

Angela Mwanza Shares Personal and Academic Backgro

  • Angela Mwanza - Panel - Where Are Women
  • Angela Mwanza is Senior Vice President at UBS. Previously, she was a Vice President at Lehman Broth...
  • m the resident intrepeneur. And it's kind of funny. People always say UBS, big corporate, you're o...
  • 3/3/2014

Angela Mwanza Discusses Professional Background

  • Angela Mwanza - Panel - Where Are Women
  • Angela Mwanza is Senior Vice President at UBS. Previously, she was a Vice President at Lehman Broth...
  • was only later, when I came to the States that I realized that slopes have designations, i.e. Double...
  • 3/3/2014

Angela Mwanza Shares Thoughts on Risk

  • Angela Mwanza - Panel - Where Are Women
  • Angela Mwanza is Senior Vice President at UBS. Previously, she was a Vice President at Lehman Broth...
  • hink the thing is we are all resources and I found the Cornell network to be incredible. I've gone ...
  • 3/3/2014

Hannah Coutand Discusses Academic and Professional

  • Hannah Coutand - Panel - Why Are Women U
  • Hannah Coutand is a Business Development Manager at Intel, but got her start in technology after wor...
  • my name is Hannah Coutand. I graduated from UVA in 2001. So I'm a little bit older. I majored in ...
  • 3/3/2014