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2899 Videos
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Sarah McDonald Offers Advice About Going From Tech

  • Sarah McDonald - Lecture - Ebay
  • ah McDonald is currently the Chief of Staff to the president of eBay marketplaces. Over her ten year...
  • ould say, you know, get into the tech company, whichever one it is, you know, using your skills, you...
  • 3/25/2014

Hilary Renison States Women Need To Move Away From

  • Hilary Renison - Panel - Building a Succ
  • Hilary Lashley Renison is a Lead Consultant for GE Energy Consulting's Power Economics group. She ha...
  • ike the spin that Miran took because I think often times we as women have too much pressure on how w...
  • 3/21/2014

Marci Carris States Importance of Following Your H

  • Marci Carris - Panel - Building a Succes
  • Marci Carris is Senior Vice President for Customer Management at Sprint. She is responsible for pos...
  • low your heart. Is it something you like to do? Assuming you're working full time, you're spending...
  • 3/21/2014

Miran Liu Shares Professional Background

  • Miran Liu - Panel - Building a Successfu
  • an Liu is a Senior Manager in Business Development from Adobe. In her role as Senior Manager, she fu...
  • everyone, Miran Liu. I am a part of the business development team at Adobe. We sit under the corpo...
  • 3/21/2014

Miran Liu States Importance of Focusing on Perform

  • Miran Liu - Panel - Building a Successfu
  • an Liu is a Senior Manager in Business Development from Adobe. In her role as Senior Manager, she fu...
  • t take out the gender thing. Take out gender. You're based on your performance. Or even put it in...
  • 3/21/2014

Shari Aser Shares Academic and Professional Backgr

  • Shari Aser - Panel - Building a Successf
  • ri Aser is the IBM Business Unit Executive, Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure Software Sales for the No...
  • I'm Shari Aser. I'm Johnson, Class of 2010. I was an Executive MBA student. My role at IBM has ...
  • 3/21/2014

Shari Aser Discusses Perceptions In The Workplace

  • Shari Aser - Panel - Building a Successf
  • ri Aser is the IBM Business Unit Executive, Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure Software Sales for the No...
  • I'll just give this example because I was always told and I've had a former boss and mentor say peop...
  • 3/21/2014

Shari Aser States Importance of Being True To Your

  • Shari Aser - Panel - Building a Successf
  • ri Aser is the IBM Business Unit Executive, Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure Software Sales for the No...
  • hink the other side, as well, so there's standing on your credentials of who you are in the room in ...
  • 3/21/2014

Sarah Ellis Shares Professional Background

  • Sarah Ellis - Panel -Trends and Innovati
  • ah Kennedy Ellis manages strategy & product marketing for Sabre's world-leading hospitality solution...
  • Sarah Kennedy Ellis and I am the VP of Marketing and Strategic Development for Sabre Hospitality So...
  • 3/21/2014