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2899 Videos
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Carol Bushberg Discusses Starting Own Business

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • Carol Bushberg Real Estate has been very, very successful. We've, I mean, not by Dyson standards, b...
  • 3/27/2014

Margie Whiteleather Discusses Commuting

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Margie Whiteleather - Project Manager at Cornell Business Services, Business Services and Environmen...
  • in my first job in New York City, and this was interesting, the first day I had to go to work and I ...
  • 3/27/2014

Margie Whiteleather Shares Typical Day Schedule

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Margie Whiteleather - Project Manager at Cornell Business Services, Business Services and Environmen...
  • lready talked about the big rush to get the kids out in the morning. The benefit we've had this yea...
  • 3/27/2014

Margie Whiteleather Discusses Academic and Profess

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Margie Whiteleather - Project Manager at Cornell Business Services, Business Services and Environmen...
  • my name is Margie Whiteleather. I work at Cornell, at the Cornell Store. My title is Project Manage...
  • 3/27/2014

Mike Sturman Discusses Commuting

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • n I was a grad student, the last year I was a graduate student, my wife had gone to school and got a...
  • 3/27/2014

Carol Bushberg Looks Back At Life In Business

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • I do feel like I'm talking a lot to my younger self when I'm talking to my son who is about to embar...
  • 3/27/2014

Carol Bushberg Discusses Commuting

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • long ago, before I started selling real estate, when I was still an agronomist, I lived in Great Bar...
  • 3/27/2014

Carol Bushberg Shares Typical Day Schedule

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • every day is different. I was just listening to these two and I was thinking that, you know, one th...
  • 3/27/2014

Carol Bushberg Discusses Long Term Financial Plann

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Carol Bushberg founded her own dynamic real estate firm, Carol Bushberg Real Estate in January 2009....
  • have to manage your money, especially if you're self-employed. I remember a postcard which was som...
  • 3/27/2014