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2899 Videos
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June Hayford Discusses Free Signup Revenue Model

  • June Hayford - Interview - Courierboard
  • June Hayford is the COO of Courierboard.com which is the Online Delivery Network connecting shippers...
  • that was the real big challenge is, okay, we're free, free, free and everybody is happy because you'...
  • 4/11/2014

June Hayford Discusses Iterarting Website Through

  • June Hayford - Interview - Courierboard
  • June Hayford is the COO of Courierboard.com which is the Online Delivery Network connecting shippers...
  • ean going back to, you know, what did we think our site would be, we thought our site would be a pla...
  • 4/11/2014

June Hayford States Importance About Thinking Thor

  • June Hayford - Interview - Courierboard
  • June Hayford is the COO of Courierboard.com which is the Online Delivery Network connecting shippers...
  • hink it's really key that when you think about a business and a product you think about all the step...
  • 4/11/2014

Margie Whiteleather Discusses Career Progression a

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
  • Margie Whiteleather - Project Manager at Cornell Business Services, Business Services and Environmen...
  • I guess what I'll talk about is the risk I took when I left New York City for Ohio. It turned out r...
  • 3/27/2014

Valerie Lyon Discusses Opportunities And Change

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 1 -
  • erie Lyon is the Associate Director, Business and Finance at Gannett University Health Services at C...
  • opportunity is when you're making that change. You have the opportunity to control the situation b...
  • 3/27/2014

Valerie Lyon Discusses Do Not Be Afraid To Make A

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 1 -
  • erie Lyon is the Associate Director, Business and Finance at Gannett University Health Services at C...
  • ly in your career you're more about how can I advance? How can I get a great job? You're very focu...
  • 3/27/2014

Valerie Lyon Discusses Resilience And Optimism

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 1 -
  • erie Lyon is the Associate Director, Business and Finance at Gannett University Health Services at C...
  • ely, the buzz word is resilience. That is becoming more and more the thing that we're talking about...
  • 3/27/2014

Carrie Regenstein Discusses Personal and Professio

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 1 -
  • Carrie Regenstein is currently serving on the faculty of the CAUDIT Institute (The Council of Austra...
  • motto in life is, Nobody ever said on his deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had spent more time in the office...
  • 3/27/2014

Carrie Regenstein Shares Thoughts on Personal Valu

  • Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 1 -
  • Carrie Regenstein is currently serving on the faculty of the CAUDIT Institute (The Council of Austra...
  • hink the issue of values matters a lot, personal values and professional values. And there's this f...
  • 3/27/2014