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2899 Videos
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Marie Van Deusen Shares Advice For Career And Busi

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Marie Van Deusen is a Senior Vice President with Morgan Stanley.

    Marie Van Deusen received h...

  • st of all, it's good to try everything and everything will not be successful. I've already told you...
  • 9/21/2014

Marie Van Deusen Discusses Gender Issues

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Marie Van Deusen is a Senior Vice President with Morgan Stanley.

    Marie Van Deusen received h...

  • e is probably different because I work in a big corporation. I have the same job title as 17,000 ot...
  • 9/21/2014

Marie Van Deusen Discusses Personal Philosophy on

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Marie Van Deusen is a Senior Vice President with Morgan Stanley.

    Marie Van Deusen received h...

  • going to tell you a quick, funny story about me and sort of risk and flex points and stuff. And it...
  • 9/21/2014

Marie Van Deusen Discusses Academic and Profession

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Marie Van Deusen is a Senior Vice President with Morgan Stanley.

    Marie Van Deusen received h...

  • probably the outlier in this group. I went to...it wasn't CALS when I was here. It was the Colleg...
  • 9/21/2014

Joy Higa Discusses Importance Of Networking And Pa

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Joy Higa is ‎Vice President, Health Care Reform at United Healthcare where she manages federal...
  • worked for Dean Levy for several years at the School of Medicine which was a great, great experience...
  • 9/20/2014

Joy Higa Discusses Health Care Changes

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Joy Higa is ‎Vice President, Health Care Reform at United Healthcare where she manages federal...
  • t I would say is, you know, when you think about the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare reform bill...
  • 9/20/2014

Joy Higa Discusses Crossroads In Career

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • Joy Higa is ‎Vice President, Health Care Reform at United Healthcare where she manages federal...
  • eel like there were many, many crossroads that I feel like I've come to at different stages of my ca...
  • 9/20/2014

Sharee Umpierre Discusses Academic and Professiona

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • ree Umpierre is an Associate Professor at the University of Puerto Rico's Department of Obstetrics a...
  • everybody. I am Class of '81. I came to Cornell from Puerto Rico where I am originally from. And ...
  • 9/20/2014

Sharee Umpierre Discusses Medical Career Path

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • ree Umpierre is an Associate Professor at the University of Puerto Rico's Department of Obstetrics a...
  • as very lucky. I was offered a position as a faculty position there, starting on a tenure track the...
  • 9/20/2014