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Maria Pacheco Discusses Creation of Environmental

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • h, I remember Patricio, the leader, saying, Maria, you know, we really want to plant trees.So I said...
  • 10/8/2014

Maria Pacheco Discusses Partnering With Local Comm

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • know, initially, if you go with a diagnosis tool. Do you have a business plan? Do you have a mark...
  • 10/8/2014

Maria Pacheco Discusses Poverty and Gender

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • I think for us, it's not the fact that we just focus on women. Guatemala is a country where women ...
  • 10/8/2014

Maria Pacheco Discusses Lessons Learned In Working

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • us, when I started working, the forestry community was more technical. And I realized that it was ...
  • 10/8/2014

Maria Pacheco Discusses Fair Wages

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • , and that's one of the other reasons why we don't produce textiles. Because if you see a textile, ...
  • 10/8/2014

Maria Pacheco Discusses Empowering Communities

  • Maria Pacheco - Interview - Wakami
  • Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami.

    Maria was born in Guatemala City, living there un...

  • t we realized is that in these communities, just having an income is really not enough to really mak...
  • 10/8/2014

Nicole Cramer Discusses Academic and Professional

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • 2010, Nicole Cramer joined McCann Worldgroup as global chief of staff-charged with organizing a sand...
  • I'm going to try to keep mine to the advertising version which is usually 30-90 seconds. Totally ly...
  • 9/21/2014

Nicole Cramer States Importance of Being Authentic

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • 2010, Nicole Cramer joined McCann Worldgroup as global chief of staff-charged with organizing a sand...
  • re is no trait of a woman or a man that cannot be used in a positive manner. So if you're a woman w...
  • 9/21/2014

Nicole Cramer Discusses Role Of Technology In Maki

  • Dyson Symposium on Women in Leadership -
  • 2010, Nicole Cramer joined McCann Worldgroup as global chief of staff-charged with organizing a sand...
  • I think on the technology front, we're at a tipping point. So I think never before, you know, in th...
  • 9/21/2014