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Amanda Eilian States Pessimism Can Be Good For An

  • Amanda Eilian - Interview - Videolicious
  • nda Eilian is the Co-founder and President of Videolicious. Amanda Eilian received her undergraduat...
  • d afternoon and thank you for having me. I wanted to start just with a note on my title, The Pessim...
  • 11/11/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Experience With Gimlet Media

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • when we first talked to them and then soon began recording, we had just lost one of our initial cofo...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Handling Sexism In Business

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • t will you do, do you think, in the future of what are some of the successful strategies? I mean is...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Shares Pitching Advice and Discusses Ge

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • ean that you have to do a million times. I mean I was in the YC building. I pitched it over and ov...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Y Combinator Experience

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • was something I knew I wanted to do if I started another company after Smart Sitting. Part of it wa...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Challenges of Handling Cash C

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • , I mean you're just up all night worrying, not even about yourself but about like what happens if I...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Importance of Understanding C

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • that was something I started being a lot more disciplined about when we ran out of money, to say whe...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Competitive Landscape In Onli

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • re have been a lot of new apps over the past few years and before that. There was always a new site...
  • 11/10/2015

Lauren Kay Discusses Starting In Entrepreneurship

  • Lauren Kay - Interview - Dating Ring
  • ren Kay is the founder of online dating company, Dating Ring. Lauren Kay is a graduate of Brown...
  • I guess my first stint with entrepreneurship, aside from the cookie stands as a child, which I was a...
  • 11/10/2015