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5 Videos
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Indra Nooyi Discusses Personal Struggles With Bala

  • Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
  • Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
  • Well I guess the first question I'd ask you is what does personal life mean. Work is life, life is ...
  • 4/9/2008

Indra Nooyi States PepsiCo Needs Women In The Comp

  • Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
  • Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
  • Let me start by saying if women are not successful in PepsiCo, okay ... if they don't enter PepsiCo ...
  • 4/9/2008

Christine DeVita Shares Experience With Guilt Rela

  • Christine DeVita - Interview - Wallace F
  • M. Christine DeVita is President of The Wallace Foundation, a private charitable foundation creat...
  • In managing this work/family balance, the other thing I think you need to really recognize is that g...
  • 2/4/2005

Carla Ginsburg States Career Gives Feeling Of Self

  • Carla Ginsburg - Interview - Gastroenter
  • Carla Ginsburg is a gastroenterologist who runs her own private practice in Boston. In addition,...
  • You know, if I didn't have my career, I'd be very unhappy. I mean because I have my career I feel s...
  • 10/14/2004

Sheila Johnson Discusses Work-Life Balance

  • Sheila Johnson - Interview - BET (prior
  • In 1980, Sheila Johnson and her former husband, Robert L. Johnson, co-founded BET, the first cable t...
  • Never went on maternity leave. I will tell you, I was very pregnant conducting an orchestra in the ...
  • 12/18/03