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9 Videos
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Sheila Penrose Discusses Women Working Together

  • Sheila Penrose - Interview - Corporate L
  • Sheila Penrose is a Director of three corporate boards: McDonald's, Jones Lang LaSalle, and DataCard...
  • There's always been this sense that if women succeed, they're going to compete with one another. Th...
  • 4/22/2011

Cheryl Francis Discusses Women Leaving The Workfor

  • Cheryl Francis - Interview - Corporate L
  • Cheryl Francis has been the Vice Chairman of the Corporate Leadership Center since 2002 and an in...
  • The research that I'm aware of that addresses this issue is conducted primarily by Catalyst. What t...
  • 4/22/2011

Cheryl Francis Discusses Importance of Maintaining

  • Cheryl Francis - Interview - Corporate L
  • Cheryl Francis has been the Vice Chairman of the Corporate Leadership Center since 2002 and an in...
  • So that was my off and on-ramp story but kind of the learning's from that is keep those bridges in p...
  • 4/22/2011

Catherine Russell States Entrepreneurs Need To Mul

  • Catherine Russell - Interview - Entrepre
  • Catherine Russell is a working actress/manager/producer/professor. Named the "Cal Ripken of Broad...
  • With entrepreneurship, I think that you have to multi-task. And I think women are better at multi-ta...
  • 6/22/2009

Amy Millman Discusses How Men and Women Act Differ

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I always tell the story about my husband and I going for our mortgage. And I knew exactly how much ...
  • 11/1/2005

Amy Millman States Women Need To Find Their Comfor

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I think it is more what they project. When women try to imitate what's not comfortable to them, the...
  • 11/1/2005

Cheryl Francis Discusses Gender Issues and Confron

  • Cheryl Francis - Lecture - Corporate Str
  • Cheryl Francis has been the Vice Chairman of the Corporate Leadership Center since 2002 and an in...
  • I will tell you that every environment that I have been in has been filled with males and testostero...
  • 3/8/2005

Christine DeVita States Importance Of Being Prepar

  • Christine DeVita - Interview - Wallace F
  • M. Christine DeVita is President of The Wallace Foundation, a private charitable foundation creat...
  • In truth, when I was a young lawyer, one of the reputations I developed as a young lawyer is that I ...
  • 2/4/2005

Amy Millman States Opinion That Women Are Bad At N

  • Amy Millman - Interview - Springboard En
  • Amy Millman has established a successful 25-year career working for and with business and governm...
  • I believe women are very bad net workers for business purposes. Men go to a networking function or ...
  • 5/1/2003