Explore Topics / Interpreting The Crystal Ball - Projections and Forecasts(14 Videos)
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Jeff Parker - Panel - Roundtable Engagem
Jeff Parker has an extensive history of success in both entrepreneurship and financial services that...
So as the CEO, you know, you come in on January first and you have a plan, right? You have a plan fo...
Brian Qualey - Lecture - SBA
Brian Qualey is the Branch Manager of Elmira Small Business Administration (SBA) Office.
The other thing I always like to see is the break-even point. It's one thing and I'll tell you a li...
Paul Wachtler - Lecture - Business Plann
Paul Wachtler is an independent medical device consultant....
If I were to ask you for a one-page business plan, what page do you suppose it would be? Voice --Un...
Anita Stephens - Interview - Opportunity
Anita P. Stephens is a General Partner of Opportunity Capital Partners ("OCP"), a private ...
Usually three to five years, mostly it's five years only because we tend to structure our deals with...