Explore Topics / Valuation(35 Videos)
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John Brenner - Lecture - Technology Tran
Well every time you saw a business plan coming up, when you write a business plan, you don't write i...
John Brenner - Lecture - Technology Tran
This is some major league SWAG sometimes. You all know what SWAG is? Can I teach them swag? SWAG ...
Mark Brandt - Interview - Notiva (Mid St
Mark Brandt is a Partner and Founder of The Maple Fund which invests in emerging technology - spe...
I: How do they do the valuation of the company? MB: Darts. No. You know what? It's start at ze...
Lance Stewart - Interview - Emerald Bios
Lance Stewart is the Vice President of the BioStructures Group at deCODE genetics, Inc. (formerly Em...
Yea, there were a number of issues that came up, mostly about valuation that came up, as any merger ...
Lance Stewart - Interview - Emerald Bios
Lance Stewart is the Vice President of the BioStructures Group at deCODE genetics, Inc. (formerly Em...
The way I use evaluation models as most people do in my industry, I think is to set upper and lower ...