Explore Topics / Profitability and Social Responsibility(15 Videos)
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3 Videos
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Lily Liu - Interview - PublicStuff
Lily Liu is the Founder and CEO of PublicStuff. PublicStuff is an online platform that connects ...
I was actually at an event the other day. They had a panel there of VCs (venture capitalists) and o...
Katie Lucchesi and Chaun Sims - Intervie
Katie Lucchesi and Chaun Sims are both students at Colorado State University who placed third in ...
There's so much more that I realize you can help people you know, besides the average day soup kitch...
Tom Szaky - Interview - TerraCycle
Tom Szaky is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of TerraCycle, Inc., producer of the worlds f...
Profit is our biggest focus by far. But sustainability and profit go hand-in-hand because you can't...