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Dana Lampert and Lance Polivy - Lecture
Lance Polivy is a Cornell University student and co-founder of Wiggio.com. Wiggio.com is a free, ...
So what Wiggio is it allows groups to communicate online and so it gives you tools like a shared cal...
Dana Lampert and Lance Polivy - Lecture
Lance Polivy is a Cornell University student and co-founder of Wiggio.com. Wiggio.com is a free, ...
Dana and I did some research and we talked to a lot of different students and we tried to get a feel...
Dana Lampert and Lance Polivy - Lecture
Lance Polivy is a Cornell University student and co-founder of Wiggio.com. Wiggio.com is a free, ...
The most important piece of what we've shown you is that this really came out of a need. This came ...
Barrett Amos - Interview - NetBook and t
Barrett Amos is a co-founder of NetBook. NetBook is being developed to serve as a link between a...
So the initial stage really was just five basic questions and that was basically... the questions th...
Barrett Amos - Interview - NetBook and t
Barrett Amos is a co-founder of NetBook. NetBook is being developed to serve as a link between a...
So our advisor was Tom Ward who's from the Hotel School and he actually helped us a ton throughout t...
Barrett Amos - Interview - NetBook and t
Barrett Amos is a co-founder of NetBook. NetBook is being developed to serve as a link between a...
There are actually some very, very driven students here at Cornell, if anything, that's what I reall...
Barrett Amos - Interview - NetBook and t
Barrett Amos is a co-founder of NetBook. NetBook is being developed to serve as a link between a...
Personally I've always kind of saw myself going into some form of entrepreneurship eventually and th...
Barrett Amos - Interview - NetBook and t
Barrett Amos is a co-founder of NetBook. NetBook is being developed to serve as a link between a...
So it certainly changed a whole lot since that first moment but the first moment as you call it happ...