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110 People
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Keith Hannon

Keith Hannon

  • Associate Director, Cornell University
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1982 (42 years old)

Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornell alumni communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram; an aggregate population of nearly 60,000 alumni.

His past life as an aspiring video artist has helped engage alumni via both livestreaming and YouTube videos. Most recently he has been breaking new ground experimenting with prospect research on the development and refinement of a process for prospect identification on social networks and implementing a crowdfunding platform that aims to attract previously unengaged donors.

Before Cornell, Hannon worked for Nickelodeon television and Six Degrees Games.

Keith Hannon is a graduate of Ithaca College.

Daniel Glickberg

Daniel Glickberg

  • Executive Vice President, Fairway Market
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1983 (41 years old)

Daniel Glickberg joined Fairway Market full-time in 2005. He helped open the Red Hook Brooklyn store with great success in 2006 and has since helped open three more new stores. Danny also runs Fairway's marketing department and the Fairway Wines & Spirits operation. In 2008, he launched Discover Fairway, a video-focused website featuring food tips and monthly cooking segments with Mitchel London, Fairway's Chef de Cuisine. Danny and London also host a weekly cooking segment on NBC's LX New York, and, in 2011, Danny launched a new food segment, "At the Table," on News Talk radio 710 WOR with Joan Hamburg.

Daniel Glickberg is a graduate of Trinity College.

Savneet Singh

Savneet Singh

  • Founder, Gold Bullion International
  • Male
  • Asian
  • 1983 (41 years old)

Savneet Singh is the Founder of Gold Bullion International (GBI), a leading physical precious metals trading and management firm. GBI has created the first truly integrated solution that allows investors to order physical precious metals in the same manner as ordering a stock or bond. Currently the company has storage locations in New York, Utah, London, Hong Kong and Zurich. In founding GBI, Mr. Singh has been successful in recruiting a well known management team in addition to a Board that includes General Wesley Clark, Former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and Former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt.

Prior to GBI, Mr. Singh was an investment analyst at Chilton Investment Company where he covered investments in the technology, alternative energy and infrastructure space.

Prior to Chilton, Mr. Singh worked in the investment banking division of Morgan Stanley, where he worked on large financial sponsor and strategic company mergers and acquisitions.

Savneet Singh received his B.S. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University.

Andrew Paget

Andrew Paget

  • Co-founder, Quixand
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1987 (37 years old)

Andrew Paget is CEO of Quixand, a company which allows hotels to differentiate their application to their consumers. Andrew Paget is an MBA Candidate at Cornell University - S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management. He received his undergraduate degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Nick Nickitas

Nick Nickitas

  • Founder and CEO, RosieApp
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1985 (39 years old)

Nick Nickitas is the founder and CEO of RosieApp, a predictive shopping application. Nick Nickitas is a graduate of Lehigh University and is pursuing his MBA at the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University.

Seth Sarelson

Seth Sarelson

  • Co-founder, RevTrax Solutions
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1982 (42 years old)

Seth Sarelson is the Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer of RevTrax. He has run the daily operations at RevTrax since the company's formation, managing client services and RevTrax's digital media partners. Prior to RevTrax, Seth worked in Citigroup's Global Commercial Cards business in brand management for the Purchasing Card, Fleet Card, and Electronic Account products. In addition to his corporate activities, Mr. Sarelson has been published and quoted in a number of marketing industry publications, including AdWeek, MultiChannel Merchant, iMedia Connection, Chain Store Age and CRM Buyer.

Seth Sarelson holds a Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude, from Cornell University.

Caitlin Strandberg

Caitlin Strandberg

  • Associate, Flybridge Capital Partners
  • Female
  • Caucasian
  • 1988 (36 years old)

Caitlin Strandberg is an Associate at Flybridge Capital Partners whose investment interests and experience broadly cover companies and technologies across the information technology sector including ad tech, digital media, fin tech, and consumer internet.

Caitlin joined the firm in August 2012 from LearnVest, a personal finance start-up in NYC, where she served as Director of Business Development. Previously, she was the Associate Director of Business Development at Behance, a platform for showcasing and discovering creative work online. Caitlin was also the President and Co-founder of Slope Media Group, a student-run media organization based out of Cornell University that includes internet radio, internet television and a digital magazine.

Caitlin Strandberg holds a BA in History from Cornell University with a minor in Science and Technology Studies.

Elliott Garlock

Elliott Garlock

  • Assistant Brand Manager, NanoIntegris
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1985 (39 years old)

Elliott Garlock is currently the Business Development Director at Raymor Industries & NanoIntegris. Prior to this position, Garlock was an Assistant Brand Manager at Procter and Gamble.

Elliott Garlock is a graduate of Cornell University. While at Cornell, he worked at Student Agencies, Inc. (SAI).

Matt Ackerson

Matt Ackerson

  • Founder and CEO, PetoVera
  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • 1987 (37 years old)

Matt Ackerson is a self-taught artist and computer programmer who started three businesses as an undergraduate at Cornell before graduating in Spring 2009. One of thoese businesses was Scrimple.com - a Web site featuring printable coupons for Ithaca establishments.

His latest venture, PetoVera, is best described as a web design business, and is Ackerson's fourth and final company which he plans to run and grow for the rest of his life.

Matt Ackerson is a graduate of Cornell University.