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Rebecca Robertson - Interview - Versant
kie Robertson is a Managing Director specializing in early-stage investing in medical devices and di...
I think probably the biggest misconception is that if I have an idea, a technology, a concept, a dif...
Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
for our customer discovery process and how we started talking to customers, we started out in the hi...
Elisa Miller-Out - Interview - PollQ
sa Miller-Out is a co-founder or PollQ. She is a graduate of Barnard College (Columbia University)...
my elevator pitch for PollQ is that it is a messaging platform for polling that makes it effortless ...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
what success looks like to me would be, well, I think one of my challenges is it could be, I have l...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
am I going to have the family life I want and do anything other than be an entrepreneur? Like, whe...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
tional intelligence, I mean, we?re human beings. We?re growing and learning from?.we?ve always got ...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
tional intelligence is critical. I think that self-education, knowing who you are, your own?.Let me...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
hink that the key of that for me is that I?m an advocate. I can take charge as an advocate. And th...
Chelsey Kingsley - Interview - Kingsley
lsey Kingsley is the CEO of Kingsley Quality Woodworking....
ause I?m sort of in the trenches a lot running our own business, I don?t feel like I get out there i...