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Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
o a lot of communicating, make sure that we're all communicating. I have conference calls, a lot. W...
Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
know what everybody says is that, entrepreneurs, I wonder if you agree, I think you will and I thin...
Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
eard the following expression and it really resonates in me. Leaders are not necessarily good manage...
Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
hink you get to a company at a certain point and you treat your equity like it's precious. There's s...
Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
know, I look at companies like baseball teams. I'm a sports fanatic. And I always look at people li...
Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
ther pitfall. Another pitfall is, you know, I tell people, if you're going to live in Spain for the ...
John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
m the beginning, we have relied on our customers for a lot of input. The customer is not always ri...
John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
had some things that worked in our favor in terms of our successes. One was being first to market w...
John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
I went out and, you know, since $20,000 worked for the first sale. I thought $20,000. That's a goo...