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Kevin McGovern Discusses Importance of Positive Re

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • o a lot of communicating, make sure that we're all communicating. I have conference calls, a lot. W...
  • 4/19/12

Kevin McGovern States Entrepreneurs Must Have Cour

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • know what everybody says is that, entrepreneurs, I wonder if you agree, I think you will and I thin...
  • 4/19/12

Kevin McGovern States Leaders Have A Strong Team a

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • eard the following expression and it really resonates in me. Leaders are not necessarily good manage...
  • 4/19/12

Kevin McGovern States Importance of Being Stingy W

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • hink you get to a company at a certain point and you treat your equity like it's precious. There's s...
  • 4/19/12

Kevin McGovern States Importance of Developing a S

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • know, I look at companies like baseball teams. I'm a sports fanatic. And I always look at people li...
  • 4/19/12

Kevin McGovern Recommends Learning Accounting

  • Kevin McGovern - Panel - Roundtable Enga
  • in McGovern is the Chairman and CEO of McGovern Capital LLC, which provides Intellectual Property Ri...
  • ther pitfall. Another pitfall is, you know, I tell people, if you're going to live in Spain for the ...
  • 4/19/12

John Alexander Discusses Relying On Customer For I

  • John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
  • m the beginning, we have relied on our customers for a lot of input. The customer is not always ri...
  • 4/19/12

John Alexander Shares Advantages and Disadvantages

  • John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
  • had some things that worked in our favor in terms of our successes. One was being first to market w...
  • 4/19/12

John Alexander Discusses Evolution of Company and

  • John Alexander - Lecture - Entrepreneur
  • n Alexander is president and founder of The CBORD Group, Inc., a company inspired by his foodservice...
  • I went out and, you know, since $20,000 worked for the first sale. I thought $20,000. That's a goo...
  • 4/19/12