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2855 Videos
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Steve Benjamin Stresses Importance of Maintaining

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • e care of your health. Now I actually took care of my health and I still got sick. But because I w...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States You Can Also Be Successful W

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • I had this mindset that the only way that I could be successful was on my own and I define success r...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States If You See A Good Deal Take

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • here's the thing about doing deals. I have met a lot of people really, really successful wealthy pe...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States Importance of Marrying the R

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • key learnings, one of the things that I've learned along the way. Well number one, marry the right ...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin Discusses Early Career And Launchin

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • unemployment situation when I graduated was pretty dismal. It was worse than it is now so for thos...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin Shares Personal, Academic and Profe

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • I grew up in Montreal. I actually I just drove from there today. It's six, it's a little under six...
  • 4/17/2013

Timothy Davis Shares Academic and Professional Bac

  • Timothy Davis - Panel - Celebration 2013
  • Tim Davis is Executive VP and CTO of Kionix.

    As one of the co-founders of Kionix, Davis gu...

  • name is Tim Davis, executive vice president and chief technology officer of a company called Kionix,...
  • 4/13/2013

Timothy Davis Discusses Entrepreneurial Look At Pr

  • Timothy Davis - Panel - Celebration 2013
  • Tim Davis is Executive VP and CTO of Kionix.

    As one of the co-founders of Kionix, Davis gu...

  • hink if you look at what we do, we're a component manufacturer that sells their product into someone...
  • 4/13/2013

Timothy Davis Discusses Access To Capital

  • Timothy Davis - Panel - Celebration 2013
  • Tim Davis is Executive VP and CTO of Kionix.

    As one of the co-founders of Kionix, Davis gu...

  • of the things that was directly relevant to the Kionix experience was in a kind of venture-backed c...
  • 4/13/2013