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2855 Videos
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Steve Benjamin States Entrepreneurs Only Need To K

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • y, can you add, subtract, multiply and divide and do percents in your head? Cause if you can that's...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States You Don't Need A New Idea To

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • s is one of the points I really think is important to grasp. You don't have to have a new idea. I ...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin Shares Thoughts on Passion

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • sion, how many of you have heard of passion? Follow your passion, follow your passion? Yes, okay. ...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States Entrepreneurs Need To Deal W

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • ambiguity, can you deal with ambiguity because being an entrepreneur means there's a lot of stuff yo...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin Recommends Writing Goals And Being

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • e written goals. I try to do this every year and I look at em' and say well is this really what I w...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin Shares Book Recommendations

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • ks, I'm often asked what books would you read. I'm not a huge reader of books. I think that was, y...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States Importance of Establishing A

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • ld an incentive system, very important. If you want people to do something make sure you understand...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States Entrepreneurs Try To Mitigat

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • have to understand that employees and entrepreneurs they don't think the same way. I cannot tell y...
  • 4/17/2013

Steve Benjamin States Important of Knowing Why You

  • Steve Benjamin - Lecture - Reflections o
  • Since graduating from college, Steve Banjamin has had three careers and is now inventing his fourth....
  • w why you want to sell something. I always say you've got to be able to explain the deal to a 10-ye...
  • 4/17/2013