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Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 3 -
Christopher B. Barrett is the David J. Nolan Director and the Stephen B. & Janice G. Ashley Professo...
also wound up having a honeymoon baby. So nine months after getting married, our son was born. Next...
Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 3 -
Christopher B. Barrett is the David J. Nolan Director and the Stephen B. & Janice G. Ashley Professo...
n I was a college freshman...is anyone here not a freshman? Okay. When I was a freshman, I had no ...
Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
Michael Sturman is a Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Academic Director of The...
hink one thing that I have always wrestled with, I wish I'd done better with earlier, is not...is pa...
Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
Michael Sturman is a Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Academic Director of The...
usually a night person but this year things are a little bit different. So I'm usually in by 8 o'c...
Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
Michael Sturman is a Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Academic Director of The...
k-life balance is interesting. It is something that I take my family...I really enjoy spending time...
Cornell University AEM 2700 - Panel 2 -
Michael Sturman is a Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Academic Director of The...
name is Mike Sturman. I'm a professor in the Hotel School. And I guess I'll go with the titles bec...
Steve Medwin - Lecture - The Raymond Cor
Steve Medwin is the manager of advanced research at The Raymond Corporation. Since 2004, he has been...
I was at Dupont for almost twenty years. And then...we'll talk a little about dual career families....
Steve Medwin - Lecture - The Raymond Cor
Steve Medwin is the manager of advanced research at The Raymond Corporation. Since 2004, he has been...
we'll start with In the Beginning when you're out in the workplace. And this is actually the very b...
Steve Medwin - Lecture - The Raymond Cor
Steve Medwin is the manager of advanced research at The Raymond Corporation. Since 2004, he has been...
reality, the bottom line, is engineering is more about working with people, mentally working with p...