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2855 Videos
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Keith Hannon Discusses Finding Twitter Leaders In

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • you'll find that, if you listen to Twitter, if you look around Twitter, you'll find hashtags that r...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Twitter And HR

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • m a HR perspective, some things you should be aware of. People are starting to look at social media...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Professional Connections Vi

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • st thing is LinkedIn does a good job of showing how that person is in your network. So it might tur...
  • 4/17/2014

Micah Rosenbloom Discusses Investor Perspective

  • Micah Rosenbloom - Interview - Founder C
  • Micah Rosenbloom is the Chief Operating Officer of Brontes Technologies, leading both the internal o...
  • estors quickly think about all the other things they've seen. I find myself doing that now a lot. ...
  • 4/11/2014

Micah Rosenbloom Discusses Customer Discovery Proc

  • Micah Rosenbloom - Interview - Founder C
  • Micah Rosenbloom is the Chief Operating Officer of Brontes Technologies, leading both the internal o...
  • l, one thing I've done and I've seen people do is the student card. You know, I'm a student at Corne...
  • 4/11/2014

Saro Cutri States Being An Entrepreneur Means Resp

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr and L
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS'...
  • word entrepreneur means taking responsibility. When you work in a large institution, it's easy to ...
  • 4/11/14

Saro Cutri Discusses HomeKeeper Company

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr and L
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS'...
  • our business is called HomeKeeper. HomeKeeper is a mobile app that's targeted at real estate agents...
  • 4/11/14

Saro Cutri Shares Professional Background and Path

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr and L
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS'...
  • I started out on Wall Street in 1997 and I had a very successful career at a bulge bracket bank unti...
  • 4/11/14

Saro Cutri Discusses How To Choose Software Develo

  • Saro Cutri - Interview - HomeKeepr and L
  • o Cutri is co-founder of HomeKeepr. Cutri was most recently a Managing Director and Co-Head of UBS'...
  • n choosing developers, an entrepreneur is faced with the idea or the choice of whether they're going...
  • 4/11/14