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2855 Videos
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David Weinstein Explains Concept of Iteration With

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • ration without chaos means something to me. It is not a phrase we have used specifically but it is ...
  • 4/17/14

David Weinstein Shares Lessons Learned From Pitchi

  • David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
  • id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
  • t have I learned from pitching? I have a very strong opinion about that. I think concision, being ...
  • 4/17/14

Greg Galvin Shares Academic and Professional Backg

  • Greg Galvin - Interview - Rheonix
  • Greg Galvin is the Chief Executive Officer at Rheonix. Galvin has been at the forefront of multi-di...
  • I came to Cornell in 1980 as a grad student in Material Science. I got my PhD in 1984 and then went...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Role of Handling Social Med

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • Why I Have a Job. Well, these are four of the communities I manage: the Cornell Alumni Association ...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Importance of Understanding

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • why is all this happening? Why is there this big explosion of social media? Is it just because pe...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Social Media And Branding

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • o, does your company currently promote your brand, product and/or services via social media? So of ...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Social Media Pitfalls And P

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • what are some social media pitfalls, things to be aware of? Well, I'm sure you have heard this befo...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Positive Uses Of Social Med

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • ial media is not just a trap waiting for you to fall into. There's a lot of good success stories, we...
  • 4/17/2014

Keith Hannon Discusses Personal Experience with So

  • Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
  • Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
  • l, I have 1080 Twitter followers which may impress you, may not impress you. But I'm a nobody in ev...
  • 4/17/2014