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David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
ration without chaos means something to me. It is not a phrase we have used specifically but it is ...
David Weinstein - Interview - HomeKeepr
id Weinstein is a Co-Founder at HomeKeepr, a home maintenance reminder/vendor directory app. In add...
t have I learned from pitching? I have a very strong opinion about that. I think concision, being ...
Greg Galvin - Interview - Rheonix
Greg Galvin is the Chief Executive Officer at Rheonix. Galvin has been at the forefront of multi-di...
I came to Cornell in 1980 as a grad student in Material Science. I got my PhD in 1984 and then went...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
Why I Have a Job. Well, these are four of the communities I manage: the Cornell Alumni Association ...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
why is all this happening? Why is there this big explosion of social media? Is it just because pe...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
o, does your company currently promote your brand, product and/or services via social media? So of ...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
what are some social media pitfalls, things to be aware of? Well, I'm sure you have heard this befo...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
ial media is not just a trap waiting for you to fall into. There's a lot of good success stories, we...
Keith Hannon - Lecture - Thoughts on Soc
Keith Hannon is the associate director for social media at Cornell University. He manages the Cornel...
l, I have 1080 Twitter followers which may impress you, may not impress you. But I'm a nobody in ev...