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2855 Videos
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Dorollo Nixon Discusses Importance of Consulting I

  • Dorollo Nixon - Interview - Lachman and
  • ollo Nixon Jr.is an attorney at Lachman & Gorton where he specializes in civil litigation, real esta...
  • l an IP attorney, but call an IP attorney immediately. Don't, um, cave into the person's allegation...
  • 6/10/15

Dorollo Nixon Shares Enjoyment of Working With Sta

  • Dorollo Nixon - Interview - Lachman and
  • ollo Nixon Jr.is an attorney at Lachman & Gorton where he specializes in civil litigation, real esta...
  • njoy advising startups. I love hearing about the ideas. You know don't shy away from contacting us...
  • 6/10/15

Dorollo Nixon Provides Legal Advice For Students L

  • Dorollo Nixon - Interview - Lachman and
  • ollo Nixon Jr.is an attorney at Lachman & Gorton where he specializes in civil litigation, real esta...
  • know just ask questions, make sure that you know you try to regardless of whom you're dealing with,...
  • 6/10/15

Romi Kher Discusses Benefit Of Being Aware Of Emot

  • Romi Kher - Interview - Emotional Intell
  • i Kher is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Baruch College with expertise in technology ...
  • ?s take a team setting. If you?re more aware of what?s going on, yes, you are a better teammate. I...
  • 4/17/2015

Christopher Sanson Shares Definition Of Emotional

  • Christopher Sanson - Interview - Emotion
  • istopher Sanson is the Co-Founder and CEO of MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo.net was founded as a fun way for ...
  • hink of emotional intelligence as sort of it?s like applied empathy. It?s sort of the ability to na...
  • 4/17/2015

Christopher Sanson Discusses Interacting With Othe

  • Christopher Sanson - Interview - Emotion
  • istopher Sanson is the Co-Founder and CEO of MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo.net was founded as a fun way for ...
  • on?t know many people whose lives don?t involve interacting with other people. No man is an island....
  • 4/17/2015

Christopher Sanson Discusses Managing Emotional In

  • Christopher Sanson - Interview - Emotion
  • istopher Sanson is the Co-Founder and CEO of MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo.net was founded as a fun way for ...
  • h, I mean that?s interesting. Its? not how I often think of it but it?s certainly sort of a dual, y...
  • 4/17/2015

Christopher Sanson Discusses Managing Communicatio

  • Christopher Sanson - Interview - Emotion
  • istopher Sanson is the Co-Founder and CEO of MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo.net was founded as a fun way for ...
  • encounter this all the time with, you know, clients and developers. If you?re an intermediary betwe...
  • 4/17/2015

Christopher Sanson Discusses Emotional Intelligenc

  • Christopher Sanson - Interview - Emotion
  • istopher Sanson is the Co-Founder and CEO of MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo.net was founded as a fun way for ...
  • s is actually a good example. I was just talking to the CEO of sort of a big technology company in t...
  • 4/17/2015