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Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
Once we were already a formal company, a Corporation, with planning, one of the points was organi...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
In our case it was a transformation that happened over time. So, before we started acquisitions,...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
I think an entrepreneur has to have..., I don't know if it's courage or a certain amount of madne...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
You see, for a long time we only hired undergraduate students. We lacked the financial means to ...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
In the beginning we never looked at that. But after a while you realize that women are more dedi...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
Well, retaining them was easier. When the person understood the topic, understood what was going ...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
Well, We had a hard time hiring talented people back then. Because a talented person who already...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
Look, deep inside I knew where I wanted to be. I wanted to grow a lot. So, I made sure to teach ...
Nelson Massud - Interview - Oasis Digita
Nelson Massud is currently involved with Oasis Digital.
Previously, Massud worked at GEMC...
First, you have to know the profile of each one. How does this work add up? What is the experti...