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Sheena Lindahl States Branding Was A Piecemeal Pro

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • Thinking back, I think it has basically been very iterative, little pieces here and there. We start...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Discusses Reality That Startup Will

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • You know it's kind of how you look at it, too, because it's failure and success kind of mixed into o...
  • 6/21/2009

Michael Simmons Shares Early Family Support And Ex

  • Michael Simmons - Interview - Extreme En
  • Michael Simmons is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Creat...
  • For me, the earliest influences on myself were my parents. Both of my parents came from really diff...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Shares Self-Doubt During The Startu

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • There was a period when we're starting that I think I was also not as sure of myself in the business...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Shares Strategies For Maintaining E

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • It could be, you know, worries over cash flows as always. You know, each semester is new for us, so ...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Shares Personal Experiences From Un

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • Well, it was two completely unrelated things that kind of converged together at a very formative tim...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Shares Advice For Creating Business

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • I wouldn't recommend working together for everyone. It's extremely hard and it really did take us a...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Discusses Mission And Vision of Ext

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • I think when we originally started the business, we originally started with the intention to become ...
  • 6/21/2009

Sheena Lindahl Discusses Target Audience for Extre

  • Sheena Lindahl - Interview - Extreme Ent
  • Sheena Lindahl is the author of the bestselling book,The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a ...
  • Well, actually, it is a primary audience for sure, but a lot of our events are reaching either high ...
  • 6/21/2009